All tagged fitness

You Don't Have to Go All-Out All the Time (How to Adapt Your Fitness for the Holiday Season)

Ah, the holiday season is almost upon us. Can you feel it in the air?

Of course you can, because you're up to your eyeballs in the work you've been bringing home for three days, accomplished from your phone while you put Paw Patrol on (again) and throw your kid some Goldfish to have 23 minutes to yourself. You need to get ahead so you have the chance to breathe once or twice on your impending days off. You're sitting there, knowing ~self-care~ is important, and also that it feels about sixty trillion light years away, considering all the demands you've got on your plate. Your kids, your job, your partner, your babysitter, your hairstylist... they're all depending on you to hit the deadlines and make the appointments and feed everyone (including yourself). Have you gotten ahead yet? ;)

Oh yeah, and you skipped the gym (again, again).

How to Get Started When You're Nervous to Start (A Step-By-Step Guide)

COURAGE, the cowardly dog and the secret ingredient.

Making any sort of change takes an ounce or two of bravery. You know that, because those fitness/life changes you've thought about but haven't made are sitting there licking their lips and twiddling their thumbs, looming in the distance, reminding you of what you haven't done yet, which is at the very least intimidating, if not downright terrifying.

Hoards of advice would tell you to just do it anyway, that the only way to get started is to start, that the time is passing by no matter what so you might as well get to stepping. I don't disagree, and also... if you were gonna get started after hearing all that, you would've done it already ("you," is really, "we," here).

The fear will never disappear entirely, so, what then?

Why Fitness and Nutrition Feel So Complicated

Sometimes I think we make fitness and nutrition more complicated than they need to be.

"Easy for you to say; you have a degree in this, and you've worked in this field for almost a decade. The rest of us don't have that knowledge and are supposed to eat low-carb and go on 74 walks a day one day, low-fat and nothing but short intense workouts the next," you might be thinking, and I get that.

But I firmly believe the barrier to entry feels so steep by design: if the world keeps you believing there's a secret or, "one weird trick," then you won't trust your own body or yourself, and you'll hand over whatever you have to restore that feeling of competence that seems to be locked in a golden tower.