Based in Philadelphia, i'm on a mission to help you use fitness as a method of empowerment: 


A Better Path to Self-Care for the Holidays

A Better Path to Self-Care for the Holidays

Loving yourself looks different for everyone, and it's important you find what it looks like for you.

For some, it's strength training. It can be meditating. It can be yoga. It can be cooking. It can be your favorite show on Netflix. It can be a manicure and a bubble bath and a glass of wine.

Those acts of self-care are important parts of loving yourself, for sure, but this picture is not complete. The ultimate act of loving yourself, in my opnion — the one ring to rule them all, if you will — is to protect your energy.

  • Are you easily provoked?

  • Do others' shortcomings get under your skin?

  • Can a tense conversation put you on edge for the rest of the day (or weekend, even! hiii), wondering what you did wrong, or why someone was so mean to you?

  • Do you regularly feel like a rescue animal, shivering and starving for love and attention after years of being burned, but distrustful of it when it comes?

I've been there (and it's a daily practice, team.). It's okay if you are too.

But I hope you'll give yourself to you. I hope you'll wrap your cautiously-optimistic inner child in your arms and let her know she's safe, because you've got this, this time. I hope you'll take stock of your inner landscape, of your needs, of your boundaries, of your desires, and I hope you'll actively work, one step a time, to make them a reality.

I hope you dive into this fall season knowing that you are entitled lavish indulgence, however that looks for you.

I hope you head into the holidays knowing that you are deserving of boundaries that are tended and respected.

I hope you approach the upcoming potential chaos with humor, and with grace, and with compassion for the inevitable skipped workout and burnt gravy.

I hope you'll create space for you to realize how powerful you are, and to allow your magic to flow through you, amplified by your energy.


Create space to realize how you are..png
Grit: A Reward You May Not Have Considered

Grit: A Reward You May Not Have Considered

Fitness Doesn't Have to be a Punishment.

Fitness Doesn't Have to be a Punishment.